Number 6



Every single digit number is governed by a planet.A person born on a particular date of any month,i.e.1st july or 3rd november,is affected by the nature and characteristics of that ruling planet.

Number 6 is ruled by Venus.

So those born on 6 or 15 or 24 of any month will come under number 6.

They are loving by nature, sympathetic and have a great sense of adoration.

They are born artist.

Beauty always attracts number 6 people.They have a pleasant personality.So,they are attractive and charming.

They have great enthusiasm and are full of energy.

Their way of communication is interesting ,so people like to talk with you.Your talk is lively.

No.6 people are fond of music, dancing and poetry.They love to lead a life full of comforts, luxury, money and happiness.Actually no one like hardship in life, but particularly No.6 people always have a likeness towards luxury  and comfort.They like to do work to get all these in life.So,No.6 people have costly clothes, jewellry, perfume and all sorts of beautiful things.

They are loving type people,so they never desert their friends.They are very considerate towards they always like to understand the plight and difficulties of others.

They have a bright outlook.

They are deeply attached to their family as they are affectionate and they always try to make everyone happy in the family.They try to keep the home environment happy and jolly.

No.6 people have a tendency to learn at every step of life,so become wise in life.

They do not believe in saving money, rather they like to spend money for enjoyment for a comfortable living.

Regarding health they should be careful for throat ailments.

No.6 husbands are devoted and Generous.

No.6 wifes are loving by nature and very satisfied with life.

No.6 people should make friends with no,.2,3,6 and 9.

Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday are lucky for them.

Blue and Pink colors are lucky for them.Avoid yellow.

Emerald,Pearl and Diamond are lucky jewels which may grow in personality.

Turquoise is the lucky gemstone fo No.6 people.

15,24,33,42,51,60,69 ans 78 are the eventful years.


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