SUN–The life force
SUN—the life force.
SUN has occupied the position of King.
In Vedic astrology Sun represent The SOUL.
In horoscope sun creates some Yoga .They are as follows—
BESI YOGA— when a planet (other than Moon, Rahu or ketu) is situated in the second place from Sun, then BESI yoga is formed.
(a) Subh Besi Yoga (if auspicious planets situated).
(B) Pap Besi Yoga (if in- auspicious planets situated).
By the presence of Subh Besi Yoga ,the native will be lucky ,religious, kind hearted ,happy ,decent mannered and intelligent.
According to Sage Parashar, the native having Besi yoga in his/her Horoscope will be a balanced individual .He or she will be trustworthy .He or she will lead a happy life. Wealth will be as required.
According to Maansagari (popular classical treatise on Hindu predictive astrology), the native having Besi Yoga, will be best, among others. The native will be very affectionate, having sharp memory power and kind. The native will be very sensitive in personal life.
According to Phaladipika ,the native having Besi yoga in his/her horoscope ,will be beautiful, happy ,brilliant ,radiant and well-mannered person .He or she will be respected by others and will get a position of authority.
Effects of Different Planets
1. Jupiter—When Jupiter is creating the Besi yoga by Sun, then the native will be a trustworthy individual .He or she will be very intelligent and clever. The native will be a very enthusiastic person. He or she will be bold and brave.
2. Venus— when Venus is creating the Besi yoga by Sun, then the native will be a famous personality. He or she will be very competent in his or her field of work. The native will be an established person. The native will be very courageous by nature.
3. Mercury—when Mercury is creating the Besi yoga by sun, the native will be a soft spoken individual. The native will have a beautiful and attractive figure .Such native will be easily able to deceive others.
4. Mars—When Mars is creating the Besi yoga by Sun, the native will good at war craft .He or she will be a fighter and very bold by nature .The native will get fame in life. Generally such native love and enjoy driving.
5. Saturn—when Saturn is creating the Besi yoga, then the native will be good in business. He or she will be greedy. The native have the tendency to criticize and inimical towards his/her advisor.
BASI YOGA— If a planet (other than Moon, Rahu and Ketu) is situated in the twelfth place from Sun, then BASI yoga is formed.
(a) Subh Basi yoga (if auspicious planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury are situated).
(b) Pap Basi Yoga (if in auspicious Planets Mars, Saturn situated).
By the presence of this yoga, the native will be very friendly, famous and progressive. The native will be learned, wise and popular.
According to Sage Parashar, the native having Basi yoga in his/her horoscope will be very famous in his or her field of work. He or she will be very kind and donate for good causes. He or she will be an intelligent and able person .He or she will have strong physique.
According to Saravali, the native having Basi Yoga in her/his horoscope, will be very wise in conversation. The native will have very good memory power .The native will have strong physique and will be honest by nature and will lead life like a king.
According to Phaladipika the native having the Basi Yoga in his/her horoscope will be loved and respected by all. He or she will lead a life of a king.
Effects of different Planets
1. Jupiter—When Jupiter is creating the Basi yoga ,the native will spend money wisely .The native will speak truth boldly, will be courageous, religious minded ,kind hearted and considerate .The native will always keep his/her words and will be a strict follower of principles(special quality given by Jupiter).
2. Venus—When Venus is creating the Basi yoga, the native will lead luxurious life, brave by nature, well behaved and will be able to establish himself/herself in the society. The native will have attraction towards opposite gender (special quality given by Venus).
3. Mercury—when Mercury is creating the Basi yoga, the native will be a soft spoken individual, beautiful and obedient .The native will believe in simple living (special quality given by Mercury).
4. Mars—When Mars is creating the Basi yoga ,the native will have disharmony with mother .He/she will be a social worker .He/she will be helping by nature ,famous and like to have self-earned money .The native will be a born fighter and will be winner at the end (the special quality given by Mars).
5. Saturn—when Saturn is creating the Basi Yoga, the native will have sharp brain and will be manipulative. The native will have a matured look. He/she will be a conspirator also and have tendency to find fault in others (special quality given by Saturn).
UBHAYACHARI YOGA—when any planet (other than Moon, Rahu or Ketu) is situated in second and twelfth place from Sun, then the UBHAYACHARI yoga is formed.
When Ubhayachari yoga is formed by auspicious planets, the native will get full benefits of the planets.
Illustration—-In Virgo ascendant Sun is placed in Ascendant surrounded by Moon +Ketu +Mercury in second place and Venus +Jupiter in twelfth place .As Moon and Ketu is not taken into Consideration in Ubhyachari Yoga ,the effects of Mercury in 2nd house and The effects of Venus + Jupiter in 12th house should be taken into consideration.As mentioned above ,the native will get the good effects of auspicious planets (Mercury ,Venus and Jupiter).The result—the native is wise in talking, the native will be a soft spoken individual. The native will have a beautiful and attractive figure (Mercury). The native will be a trustworthy individual .He or she will be very intelligent and clever. The native will be a very enthusiastic person. He or she will be bold and brave (Jupiter). The native will be a famous personality. He or she will be very competent in his field of work. The native will be an established person. The native will be very courageous by nature (Venus).