Mangalik / Kuja dosh

In Vedic astrology, Mars/Mangal is considered to have maximum effect on MARRIAGE.
The placement of Mars/Mangal in 12th or 1st or 4th or 7th or 8th house creates MANGALIK DOSH OR KUJA DOSH in horoscope.

Let’s discuss elaborately.
Manglik Dosh : Mangal in 12th House-12th house in a horoscope reveals many matters of life including expenditure, poverty, scandal, confinement, hospitalization, spouse’s health and prolonged treatment.
Mars is the ruler of zodiac signs (Aries and Scorpio).

Mars by nature is a mixture of both good and bad qualities .Here I am considering only the negative aspects of Mangal resulting in Mangalik Dosh.
If Mangal is in the 12th House of the horoscope, the native may have suicidal tendency and/or will be least fortunate and/or will be troubled by secret enemies. So the native’s expenditure may rise high due to hospitalization or long treatment. The native may develop a suicidal tendency due to poverty or heavy debt. The native may be involved in scandal and may be imprisoned .The native‘s spouse may go under long treatment due to ill health. All these incidents lead to misfortune only, hence Mars in 12th house is cause of misfortune (unless Mars’s degree is less).

12th house Mars direct aspect (180 degree) falls on 6th house (the house of disease, loan, debt, sorrow and enemy) and results in all these.
Mars in 1st House-
1st house in a horoscope reveals many matters of life including general tendency of the native and his/her personality.
Mars rules over zodiac signs (Aries and Scorpio).
Mars is a mixture of both good and bad qualities .Here only the negative effects of Mars are taken into consideration which result in Manglik Dosh. If Mars is in the 1st house of the horoscope ,the native will be egoistic by nature .The Native may be ambitious, forceful, energetic, militant with strong determination .The native will always be eager to accept new challenges .The native will desire to lead others (unless Mars degree is less).

1st house Mars direct aspects (180 degree) falls on 7th house (the house for marriage and the spouse).
Mars in 4th House-
4th house in a horoscope reveals many matters including domestic environment and mental satisfaction.
Mars rules over zodiac signs (Aries and Scorpio).
Mars is a mixture of both good and bad qualities .Here only the negative characteristics of Mars are taken into consideration resulting in Manglik Dosh. If Mars is in the fourth house of the horoscope, the native may not feel comfortable in home environment or the circumstances of the house may not be comfortable .The native may not get the dignity at home which she or he desires .If Mars is with any other malefic planet in the same house then discord in household matters is likely.
Fourth house Mars directly aspects (180 degree) 10th house (the house of work place, interest for work, establishment and public life).

Mars in 7th House-
7th house in a horoscope reveals many matters of life including marriage, married life and cause of death
(Maraka Sthana) and the factors which may cause danger to life.
Mars rules over zodiac signs (Aries and Scorpio).
Mars by nature is a mixture of both good and bad qualities .Here only the negative effects of Mars are taken which result in Manglik/Kuja Dosh. If Mars is in the 7th house of the horoscope, the native may have enmity with spouse .The native may lose her/his spouse due to death .Chances of divorce also possible .Sex is more dominant in the native. So Passion over powers love. Mars in this house causes bad marriage.
7th house Mars direct aspect (180 degree) falls on the 1st house or ascendant (personality of the life partner).
Mars in 8th House-
8th house in a horoscope reveals many factors of life including mental tension, quarrel, and suicide, difficulties, and frustration and resistance capacity of body against diseases.
Mars rules over zodiac signs (Aries and Scorpio).
Mars is a mixture of both good and bad qualities .Here only the negative effects are taken into consideration which results in Manglik Dosh. If Mars is in the 8th house of the horoscope, the native becomes liable to accident which may cause death. This house governs death. So, untimely death may happen or the native may have short life span.
8th house Mars direct aspect (180 degree) falls on 2nd house (family, general happiness, spouse life span).
Manglik Dosha becomes null and void in horoscope if

1. If, Mars conjunct Moon, (placed in 12 or 1 or 4 or 7or 8 house) the DOSHA will cancel.
2. If, Mars conjunct Jupiter (placed in 12 or 1 or 4 or 7 or 8 house), the DOSHA will cancel.
3. If, Mars conjunct Saturn (placed in 12 or 1 or 4 or 7 or 8 house), the DOSHA will cancel.
4. If Mars is aspect by Saturn (placed in 12 or 1 or 4 or 7 or 8 house), the DOSHA will cancel.
5 .If Mars is aspect by Jupiter, the DOSHA will cancel.


1. If Jupiter placed in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10(any one of center/Kendra) or 5 or 9(Trikone/Tringle), then the KUJA or MANGALIK DOSHA will be cancelled.
2. If Moon is placed in 1 or 4 or 7 or 10 (any one of center or Kendra), then the KUJA or MANGALIK DOSHA will be cancelled.
3. If Rahu is placed in 6th or 11th house, then the KUJA or MANGALIK DOSHA will be cancelled.

3—If Mars is placed in 12 or 1 or 4 or 7 or 8 house, in the Aries or Taurus or Leo rashi, then Mars will not do much harm in married life. The DOSHA will be cancelled.
While considering Mangalik dosh or kuia dosh, the above points must be considered.

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One comment

  • Keshava

    DOB: 15 Jan 1995
    Time: 09-48 am
    Place: Jaipur, Rajasthan

    I have Mangalik or Kuja dosh. Mars is in kendra what does it mean? in which house is mars placed in my horoscope? What will be the effects of this dosh in my life?

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