Atmakaraka Planet

Atma karak Planet 


Any planet having the highest degree in your birth chart become AtmaKaraka planet.

Planets give results…

1.100% good effects in its exalted sign

2.75 %  good effects in its Mooltrikona sign

3.50 %good effects in its Own sign

4.25%good effects in its friendly sign

5.12.5% good effects in neutral sign

5.Not give any good effects in debilitated sign

6.Give more bad effects in enemy Sign

When Atma karaka planet is  in its exalted sign and more than 5 degrees,the native will get the ultimate result of both rashi and planet.The native will be fortunate enough to get a very good result regarding the house significance .The characteristics of Rashi and planet influences upto a great extent.

When Atmakaraka planet is in its Mooltrikona sign,the planet will give its good result along with the sign and house where it is placed.The native will feel relaxed as the three… planet,rashi and house combinedly give impact on life.

When Atma karaka Planet is in its Own sign ,this relaxed position of the planet will be able to give its good results effortlessly.So,the life of the native  will go smooth.

When the Atmakaraka planet is in Friendly sign ,the planet is at ease.So the native will get  25 % good result from the Atma karaka planet.The rashi also give its good impact along with the House.

When the Atma Karaka planet is in a neutral sign,the planet will be able to give  good results very less.

When the Atmakaraa planet is in its debilitated position, the Atmakaraka planet will not be able to give good results at all.So,the native have to struggle a lot to achieve anything in life.

If the Atmakarak planet is in its enemy sign the native will be influenced by its negative aspects .The native may not be able to keep good character or morality.

So ATMA Karaka planet is very important in life.

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