Every parent has a “dream” on their offspring.They dream high for them. But ,every child is unique,different from others,even siblings ,non identical twins are different from each other.So,Parents should understand the inner capacity,ability and speciality of the child.
Schools or educational institutions play an important role in education.
HOME also play an important role to learn in childhood. The home atmosphere,the emotional support and the moral values imparted to the child are also important.
Vedic astrology elaborately explore all the pros and cons to enhance the learning capacity of a child.Aware of this fact,we will discuss some important points on PRIMARY EDUCATION of a child.
First of all,we must know some key points that people misinterpret in general.
What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the ability to learn quickly ,it is the understanding ability of the subject you learnt and the ability to think.
Knowledge is the ability to gather information from different sources and to understand about the subject.
Wisdom is the ability to use your experience in order to make sensible decision.wisdom is also the ability to judge a situation,judge a person. A wise person take right decision on the basis of experience that learnt in life.
So EDUCATION is learning ,understanding and implementing in life.
The school system in India has four levels:
1.Lower Primary(age 6 to 10)
2.Upper primary(age 11 to 12)
3.Lower secondary Education(age 13 to 15)
4.Higher secondary Education(age 16 to 18)
(1)Lower secondary education stage begins from standard 8 to 10.These three years are.the base years of education to build strong pillars.
(2)Higher secondary education stage consist of standard 11 and 12.These two years are the base years of education to translate your dream into reality. The age of 16 ,17, 18 are the core age to build up personality as after that you have to enter into a student life that shape your profession your work and through that your identity in society.So std 11 and std 12 are crucial years to spend your each day focusing on study . Proper guidance,Clear vision , and dedication required in this stage of life.
Vedic astrology can guide and can analyze some important points .
1.self interest
2.Financial backing
3.memory power
4.writing ability
5.Interaction with others
6.Influence of others
8.Intelligence circle
10.Home environment
12.Knowledge capacity
14.Extra curricular activity
15.Enemity others look at you
Let’s discuss about all these factors in secondary education period through one real case study of horoscope.
CASE STUDY– of Horoscope is a boy
Ascendant–Virgo(no planet)
Second house–no planet
Third House–Mars
Fourth House-ketu
Fifth House–no planet
Sixth House–no planet
Seventh House–no planet
Eighth House–no planet
Ninth House–Moon and Saturn
Tenth House–Jupier,Rahu and Venus
Eleventh House–Sun
Twelfth House–Mercury(combust)
1.Self interest–if we consider interest for study of this student,we will consider the ascendant lord mercury ,sitting in 12th place from its rashi.So ,this child has less interest for study .Mercury is also the lord of 10th house. We see interest for work from 10th house and for this student his work is to,again it shows less interest for study.
2.Financial baking–Regarding financial support or financial baking for study of this student,the lord of the second house is Venus ,sitting with Jupiter and Rahu.Jupiter is the lord of 4th house.So ,this child is getting financial support from mother side (as his father died when he was 4 years old) ,but Rahu is creating disturbance .So,the monetary flow is sometimes obstructed.
3.Memory power– to memorise the subjects, answers ,this student is OK .Lord of the second house is Venus ,sitting with arch enemy Jupiter.Jupiter is creating Guru chandal dosha with Rahu and both aspect fourth house.So,this child due to home environment very often get angry and upset which affects his mind and the ability to memorise decrease .Guru chandal dosha has formed ,but the Lord of second house ,speech is sweet because of venus.
4.Writing ability–In the stage of secondary education one can write down the notes in class room if writing ability is good with listening ability ,means attentive in class room. Home work or assignment need the same ability along with knowledge.In this case Mars the lord of third house is in own sign ,but aspect by arch enemy saturn from ninth house ,the lord of fifth house.So,this student is little bit idle /reluctant to jot down /write down.Most of the time he thinks that he will write down later on as he understands the,Mars make him over confident in the matter of writing.
5.Intercation with others–as Mars is in third house ,the house of courage,In its own sign,mars make this student brave and bold enough to interact well with other students.
6.Influence of others–Mars influence this student a lot as a result this student is stubborn,,bold and determined ,so outside influence never overpower him.
7.Institution–The lord of the fourth house is Jupiter sitting in 10th place ,aspect on own rashi occupied fourth house.So,the school in which he is studying is a good one.Reputed with modern facilities.
8.Intelligence–fourth lord Jupiter is with another teacher planet Venus .so this student is intelligent.Rahu make him curious for technical subject.Ketu in fourth house make him intelligent. circle– At the age of 15 to 18 as a student is independent enough to move around.So , the social circle he or she is moving or involved with are wide. So it becomes very important to to observe or check the child social group.Any unsocial activity lure at this age ,the child will lose interest on study.He or she may be distracted or defocused from the dream or goal of life. Regarding the social circle of this student is very limited as ketu is in 4th house.The home environment is also not very healthy.
10.Home environment–In this stage of secondary education,home plays an important role.Ketu in 4th house and aspect of Rahu is on 4th house,so the home environment is not peaceful though all modern amenities are there at home.
11.Friends–This stage is under the influence of 16 to 18 years of,the influence of friends affects the mentality,perception,thought process and personality.In this case,Ketu is in 4th house and Venus,Jupiter and Rahu aspect on 4th .So he is very choosy and his friends are very limited and rich,intelligent and from different caste or culture.
12.knowledge–.knowledge is gathering information from different sources.The fifth lord saturn in 9th house ,which is fifth from fifth house.Saturn is with 11th lord Moon and both aspect on 3rd house. So, he likes to gather information about new technologies through friends,books, the internet and youtube.
13 Management Capacity–if we consider how well he is able to manage his study with personal life,social pressure and peer pressure,Saturn is the lord of 5th house.sitting with Moon in 9th house it shows the mental ability of this student to cope with all these matters of life. Moon with Saturn always creates conflict and fear which affects his mind ,but he always tries to manage at his level as Mars has aspect on Saturn and Moon.
14.Extra curricular activities– every human being has some uniqueness.Every human beings is different.For some, Such uniqueness comes out as talent from early childhood. Some develop later. After puberty,the self awareness develop very fast.So, in this age ,if the student is involved in any extracurricular activities , parents should pay attention .In this case ,this student had a keen interest to know about cars,bikes, computer,.At this age , he has no interest for study ,but develop an interest in photography.Within his limited scope and resources he has involved in this activity.
15.Enemity–Lord of the sixth house is Saturn sitting with Moon,lord of 11th.moon is exalted sign .so,he never has enmity with friends .
16.Health– 6th lord is with Moon ,so the health is not very good.
17.How others look at you– Tenth house is occupied by Two auspicious planets Jupiter and Venus.So this student is perceived by others as well mannered and perceived as if he belongs to a well to do family.The lord of tenth house is Mercury and it is in 12th others think of him as a jolly minded ,witty and wise student.The school staff ,teachers see little different as ketu is aspect tenth house.
18.Extra curricular–in this stage ,the age between 16 to 18,generally some qualities develop in the child.Sports,music,reading and writing .in this child’s case the fifth lord is in ninth house with 11th lord Moon. Both are inimical to each other.Both aspect third house.So a conflict always going inside his mind and he is very keen to explore technical things of communication equipment , say mobile ,computer.
19.Habbit –if you have been habituated to do something at this age ,it will last for a long time in be very careful as any bad habit may distract from your goal of life.