In first part we have discussed about some important rules regarding chanting mantra.Today we will continue further.So along with time , place,,seat,direction and rosary ,some other points are there that has to be followed.
So the next is pronunciation.
6.PRONOUNCIATION–Pronounciation is very important in mantra chanting. Because sound and vibration play a vital role .
1.Wrong pronunciation of a mantra can not give the result that you desire.
2.If You chant the mantra without feelings ,just for the sake of it,it will not give you the reward.
So you should pronounce the mantra clearly,correctly and with feelings.If you understand the meaning of the mantra that you are chanting it will be easy to chant and concentrate.If you understand what you are saying ,the meaning, you will feel the “sense of the mantra” that you are chanting for so many times ,days after days and this” chanting with understanding” make you serious and sincere to follow all the rules.
The next is chanting.
For a beginner ,who has never chanted a mantra,really it is difficult on her part or his part to chant several times in one there are stages of chanting mantra or there are different types of chanting a mantra.
1.vachik or vaikhari– chanting aloud-physical consciousness
2.upanshu or madhyama- whispered chanting-mental consciousness
3.manasik or pashyanti- mental chanting- intellectual consciousness
4.Ajapa or para–spiritual consciousness–experience calmness,happiness or contentment during chanting
Sound vibration
Let’s discuss in detail.
1.VACHIK–The first or lowest form of chanting mantra is chanting the mantra aloud.It is called vachika japa.Vachik means a word that has been uttered or spoken vachik jaap is audible to everyone around you.It represents physical consciousness ,means VAIKHARI.when anyone start chanting a mantra, to make himself or herself conscious or sincere , they start chanting the mantra aloud.It happens mostly for a beginner.
- UPANSHU–The second one is whispered chanting or (upanshu japa) .In this form of chanting only your lips move.When you are whispering you only can hear your voice or what you are chanting . Because, only you are able to listen to the words that you are whispering or chanting, so naturally when you are whispering your mantra, your mind concentrate a bit more. So whispered chanting is better than loud chanting. Because it represents mental consciousness, means MADHYAMA. But it can’t be chanted for hours.Your mouth and throat become dry .
3.MANASIK–The third type of chanting mantra is mental chanting (manasika Japa).In this Jaap no lip movement, no whispering, no external sound. You have to chant your mantra mentally. Generally, when you chant a mantra mentally, millions of thoughts come to your mind. Your mind is already preoccupied with many other things. So, mental chanting or manasik jaap is difficult and not possible for everybody and it requires a lot of practice and concentration.
Mental chanting or manasik Jaap is to recall your mantra with concentration, one word at a time. Mental chanting is more powerful than spoken chanting. Mental chanting represents intellectual consciousness, means pashyanti. You have to repeatedly visualize the mantra in your mind’s eye.
4.AJAPA or PARA–The fourth or last one is unspoken chanting or Ajapa Jap or Paraa.In this form of chanting mantra, you find yourself mentally chanting all the time. In this mantra chanting, you are not aware of counting numbers i mean you are not conscious of how many times you have chanted – the mantra chanting going on in your mind, no one can be able to know that you are chanting a mantra.
you can chant a mantra in this method while sitting or taking rest or while walking or while you are cooking . You can chant a mantra in this form in the crowd also while traveling because you chant mantra without counting and it is in your mind and there are no external expressions.This represent spiritual consciousness.You may experience calmness or happiness or great contentment while chanting the mantra.
The next important rule about chanting a mantra is your Body posture.
- BODY POSTURE–sitting position with alertness is essential while you are chanting a mantra in front of the deity.The sitting position must be sukhasan or shahajasan.
9.EYES POSITION–eyes should not be open while chanting mantra .When a devotee chant a mantra mentally and eyes are closed, many times people fall asleep while chanting.
.why this happened?
Physical tiredness..diff body
Heavy dinner
Worry about future and past
Lack of concentration
Lamenting on -past and worried for future so mind and body not in one place, not cooperating.
The last one is Concentration.
10.CONCERNTRATION– You need to concentrate your mind on the mantra you are chanting.Really it is difficult to sit in one place, you may be tired as working the entire day in office or in household works or may be in a hurry to go to the office in the morning hours.So, If you can visualise the mantra ,it will be easy for you to focus or concentrate.If you are aware of the meaning of the mantra and purpose of your chanting of mantra,then you can focus your mind on chanting .But the most important is your trust.Trust comes from your mind .
So mindful chanting always give a reward.
A general question ,why the number of chanting is 108?
Let’s discuss why do we chant 108 times.
In vedic astrology there are 27 nakshatra and each have four divisions,charana or pada.If you multiply 27 nakshatra with 4 pads, you will get 108.
108 contains 1 + 0 + 8(one zero eight)
1 means one universe
0 means the expansion as the sky
8 number is a magical number. If you observe the multiplication table of 8, then go on multiplying in ascending order, you will get the result in descending order. So, 8 number is a magic number.
Like the result your problem will lessen and you will get relief.
There are some BASIC rules to chant a mantra.
1.Clean clothes. It would be very good if you keep a particular cloth red/orange/white or yellow only for worship.
- Take a bath before starting a mantra
- Use your thumb, middle finger and ring finger while chanting with a rosary. Index finger should not touch your rosary..
4.It is very essential to cover your rosary or mala or put your Mala in a gomukh .Gomukh is a yellow or orange one side open cloth bag with a long handle so that you can wear around your neck and inside the bag keep your mala and count every bead, no one can see.).It is a perception and believe,that the act of chanting any mantra should not be spoiled by any evil spirit .Gomukh has the power to give it will be best ,if you keep your rosary inside the Gomukh and chant.
If you are chanting more than one mala, then don’t cross the middle bead or “manke” of the rosary, just turn up and again start from the beginning.
5.Lighten a lamp using oil or ghee. You can use clay or metal lamp.
- Use your own cloth, seat or aasan, and rosary or Mala.
Let’s discuss about the suitable time to start chanting a mantra——
- When you are going to start a mantra, you should check the planetary position of Moon.
- Do not start any new puja or Jaap when Moon is in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius or Pisces. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire element sign . Pisces is the lord of the twelfth house in kal purush kundali. Twelfth house is the place of expense or waste or loss.
- You should not start to chant a mantra when Moon is in 6th or 8th or 12th house(inauspicious places) from your birth Rashi.
- Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are auspicious days to start a new puja.
- Always start a new puja on Shukla Paksha.
- Poornima or full moon day or night is the most auspicious time to start a new puja.
So these are some facts about how to get benefit from chanting a mantra.